Kilner Prize

This prize was endowed by Professor T Pomfret Kilner through a legacy received from the late Sir Joseph Kay.

The prize was awarded from 1962-2004 for an essay, the title of which was decided by Council of the Association, and the best entry on the website related to the practice of plastic surgery. From 2006-2008 the prize was awarded for the presenter of the best paper at the Winter Scientific Meeting of the Association. 

Past Winners

 1962 L R McLaren  Reconstructive surgery in the treatment of malignant disease of the mouth 
 1963 R F Brown  The management of traumatic tissue loss in the lower limb, especially when complicated by skeletal injury 
 1964 A F Wallace  The problem of skin cover in extensive burns 
 1966 D O Maisels  The timing of the various operation required for complete alveolar clefts and the influence on facial growth 
 1967 S Milton  The tubed pedicle flap’ 
 1968 J S Calnan  Whither plastic surgery? – Trends for the future 
 1971 G F Crikelar  The influence of surgical pathology on plastic surgery procedures 
 1972 J P Bennett  The treatment of rodent ulcer in the 19th Century and its relationships to the development of British plastic surgery
 1975 D Poswillo  The relationship between oral and plastic surgery 
 1977 K C Condon  The role of the plastic surgeon in the accident service 
 1978 D E Tolhurst  Skin and bone 
 1979 D A McGrouther  The operating microscope – a necessity or a luxury? 
 1980 C M Ward  Breast reconstruction after cancer – aesthetic triumph or surgical disaster? 
 1981 C T K Khoo  Cosmetic surgery - where does it begin? 
 1983 M J Timmons  Specialist FRCS – An irritating irrelevance or desirable diploma? 
 1985 D Elliot  The management of hypospadias: Its relevance to surgical training in the principles and practice of plastic surgery 
 1986 M N Tempest  Is the policy of informed consent in the interests of the surgeons or the patients? 
 1988 D A R Burd  Super-specialisation leads to higher surgical standards 
 1989 M R Masser  Tissue expansion:  A reconstructive revolution or a cornucopia of complications 
 1990 R W Griffiths  Plastic surgery in a changing health service 
 1991 R P Cole  he role of the clinical trial in the evaluation of cleft surgery 
 1994 R V S Thompson  What are the priorities in plastic surgery 
 1996 M Coady  Measuring the outcomes in plastic surgery 
 1999 J Hurren  Plastic surgery in the millennium 
 2003 G Offer  Evidence based medicine as applied to plastic surgery 
 2004 F Urso-Baiarda  Early vs late mobilisation of grafted pre-tibial wounds 
 2006 D Morritt  For a website on surgical instruments 
 2006 V Agarwal  In vivo imaging and targeted delivery of gene therapy using ex vivo transduction of microvascular free flaps
 2007 W Chan  An assessment and feedback method for clinical microsurgery competence 
 2008 A Collins  Surgical skills for general practitioners: impact of an intensive skin surgery course