
E LPRAS Learning Modules

Emergency Management of Severe burns (EMSB)
Microsurgery Skills - Northwick Park
Microsurgery Skills - Canniesburn
Microsurgery Skills - Edinburgh

Post Graduate and Masters taught Courses
University of Central Lancashire
MSc Non-surgical Cosmetic Interventions

University of East Anglia
MS (Master of Surgery) in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
MS (Master of Surgery) in Aesthetic Breast Surgery

Anglia Ruskin University
MCh (Master of Surgery) Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Practice

European School of Reconstructive Microsurgery
International Master’s Degree in Reconstructive Microsurgery

University College London
MSc Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Queen Mary University of London
PGCert/MSc in Burn Care
PGCert/Dip/MSc in Aesthetic Medicine

University of Manchester
MSc in Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine

Swansea University
MSc Trauma Surgery

University of Oxford
MSc in Surgical Science and Practice