BAPRAS supports campaign to protect the term 'surgeon'

27th July 2012


The Royal College of Surgeons has launched a campaign to legally protect the job title ‘surgeon’.

Tim Goodacre, Chair of BAPRAS' Professional Standards Committee

"We have worked closely with the RCS to help develop this campaign and, as an Association, we would like to see only those who have qualified as a medical doctor and undertaken post-graduate surgical training to use the title 'surgeon'. Furthermore, studying plastic surgery is a long and rigorous process and anyone using the title 'plastic surgeon' should have the appropriate accreditation and be on the specialist register.

"BAPRAS has been at the forefront of driving the highest standards of industry practices - with our role in the Government's Expert Group on PIP breast implants, and with our work to tighten the regulation of the cosmetic surgery industry. We will continue to demand the highest standards through appropriate regulation, with patient safety and care remaining our key priorities."


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