Plastic Surgery in the UK

Plastic surgery in the UK increasingly means units and centres in the major acute NHS hospitals and Trusts, enabling surgeons to work alongside colleagues in a wide range of disciplines.

Indeed, as trauma centres are beginning to be established in England, plastic surgery is playing an important part in the planning of the systems of trauma care.

Historically, plastic surgery units were free-standing hospitals, often in the countryside outside major cities. That approach, developed in war time was unsustainable for modern healthcare. With our innovative techniques, we know that patients need to be connected to major hospitals so that their plastic surgeons can work with a range of colleagues in other disciplines. This relates particularly to our work in the treatment of trauma and cancer, which can require a whole range of specialists. In this section of the website, we explain the importance of plastic surgeons working with other healthcare professionals.

Today, there are about 50 NHS plastic surgery units and centres in the UK. We combine the benefits of a multi-discipline approach in major urban centres with a strong outreach service that provides care nearer people’s homes. In these pages, we outline how plastic surgery services are planned and commissioned in the UK and supported by clinical guidelines